Open the file 'cmdline.txt' and add 'init=/bin/sh' to the end. Ich würde gerne eine Passwortabfrage haben - danach erst erscheint die Octoprint Webseite. I have another question for you: the prompt before you entered ssh octopi.local shows as pi@raspberrypi:~ $ This indicates that you are already logged on to a pi. Otherwise, you work through the process, inevitably making errors along the way, but also learning. Close. Exactly mate, and it gives you a chance to practice what you've learnt.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you really need to run OctoPrint as root though, take a look at the super secret startup option --iknowwhatimdoing . Lösung: Root-Passwort löschen. Posted by 5 days ago.

For every printer, a separate OctoPrint instance with a different port must be started. Sie haben das Passwort für den Zugriff auf Ihr Raspberry Pi vergessen? On this screen click the Raspberry Pi OctoPrint server you want to connect to on the left-hand side, then enter the API Key that you got earlier from the OctoPrint web interface (1. 1. To reset your password: Power down and pull the SD card out from your Pi and put it into your computer. . 1. Configure OctoPrint. Thank you in advance. To change the user pi password, just log in as pi, enter passwd on the command line and press enter, then follow the prompts. Enter a username and password to secure your OctoPrint instance, click on Keep Access Control Enabled then click Next. And the API key is the only thing that is needed to then control the OctoPrint interface, you don't need the root password for that either. sudo -i. Jetzt müssen wir für "root" ein Passwort festgelegen.

Login pi pass: raspberry no works, I enter web interface as "dummy" user can't restart octoprint or reboot system. Put the SD card back in the Pi and boot. Was mich etwas nervt, das jeder die Webseite aufrufen kann (innerhalb des Firmennetzwerkes). Anyone who can see the OctoPrint interface can download gcode files, you don't need the root password to download gcode files. HI, ich benutze seit einiger Zeit Octoprint zum Drucken. Choose whether to Enable or Disable Anonymous Usage Tracking then click Next. User account menu. I might try that at a later time, right now I am totally frustrated.. Fresh install (with, 1st step, edited /etc/default/tlp line USB_AUTOSUSPEND=0), due to Octopi issue (see above) changed root password, (un-)installed all my programs without any problem, rebooted, and my old issue from yesterday¹ was back.After opening two or three programs, nothing happened anymore. With the correct API key entered the “ Connect ” button ( 2.