Calculate driving distance and directions and get straight line flying distance times between Limoges France and Lyon France in mi or km with Distantias. Calculate driving distance and directions and get straight line flying distance times between Limoges and Lyon in mi or km with Distantias. Get fuel cost estimates, the midpoint, nearest rail stations, nearest airports, traffic and more & Towns near Lyon .
The approx distance between Limoges and Lyon Part Dieu in a straight line is 174 miles or 279.97 KMS See the maps and links below for additional information related to driving distances, fuel costs and estimated journey times for this trip from Limoges to Lyon Part Dieu. Half of the trip … The total driving distance from Limoges, France to Lyon, France is 257 miles or 414 kilometers. The flight distance between Limoges and Lyon is 189 miles (or 304 km). Realistically, you'll probably want to add a buffer for rest stops, gas, or food along the way. Here's the quick answer if you are able to make this entire trip by car without stopping. Start planning your trip Let's find you the best price for this route! How many airports are there in Lyon?
Calculer un trajet en fonction du mode de voyage et coût du carburant pour le trajet.

. Calcul itinéraire autoroute au départ de Écully. Your trip begins in Limoges, France.

Nonstop drive: 257 miles or 414 km Driving time: 3 hours, 54 minutes Realistically, you'll probably want to add a buffer for rest stops, gas, or food along the way.

Distance: 172.19 mi (277.11 km) The shortest distance (air line) between Lyon and Limoges is 172.19 mi (277.11 km). If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Lyon to Limoges, It takes 0.31 hours to arrive. Here's the quick answer if you are able to make this entire trip by car without stopping. How far is Limoges from Lyon? The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Lyon and Limoges is 279 km= 173 miles. How far is Lyon from Limoges? Driving non-stop from Limoges to Lyon. Distance entre Écully (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) et Limoges (Nouvelle-Aquitaine) en voiture, vélo, à pieds ou en transports publics (bus, tram, metro, train). Plan a trip Frequently asked questions - FAQ. It ends in Lyon… Facebook Twitter. ! Get fuel cost estimates, the midpoint, nearest rail stations, nearest airports, traffic and more & Towns near Lyon France . Lyon. This air travel distance is equal to 173 miles. There are 2 airports in Lyon: Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport (formerly Satolas Airport) (LYS) and Grenoble-Isère Airport (GNB). Driving time: 3 hours, 43 minutes. Driving route: -- (- ) The shortest route between Lyon and Limoges is according to the route planner. Distance from Lyon to Limoges is 279 kilometers. Happy trails! The driving time is approx. Lyon is located in France. Nonstop drive: 257 miles or 414 km. Driving distance from Limoges, France to Lyon, France. Distance between Limoges and Lyon.